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Deduction of CGHS contribution on change of Grade Pay by virtue of promotion/MACP — clarification reg.

Deduction of CGHS contribution from Government Servant on change of Grade Pay by virtue of promotion/MACP — clarification by CPWD.

Central Public Works Department
No. DG/ESTT/33
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated the 16th January, 2014
Sub : Deduction of CGHS contribution from Government Servant on change of Grade Pay by virtue of promotion/MACP — clarification reg.
It has been brought to our attention that the CGHS/DGHS guidelines regarding the monthly subscription/contribution are not being followed properly. It has been observed that in cases where pay of a Government employee is revised from a retrospective date consequent upon grant of MACP etc., CGHS contribution are also being recovered from the retrospective effect.

In this connection, attention is drawn to the clarification given by Ministry Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide letter No.S11030/55/2011-CGHS(P) dated 26/10/2012 wherein it has been made clear that in cases where pay of a Govt. employee is revised from a retrospective date, resulting in change of amount of CGHS contribution payable, contribution at the higher slab rate may be recovered only from the date of issue of the order and not the date from which the pay is being effected. A copy of the said clarification is enclosed.

All offices of CPWID/PWD are requested to comply the aforesaid instructions strictly.

Encl : As above

( Raj Kumar )
Deputy Director (Admn)III


Via : http://karnmk.blogspot.in
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