Tithi of Makar Sankranti
        Makar Sankranti festival, unlike other Hindu festivals, is not dependent on the position of the moon, but on position of the sun. On this day, the sun enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn. To compensate for the difference that occurs due to the revolution around the sun, every eighty years the day of Sankranti is postponed by one day. In the present period Makar Sankranti falls on 14th January.
History of Makar Sankranti
        Sankranti is considered a Deity. According to a legend Sankranti killed a demon named Sankarasur. The day followed by Makar Sankrant is called Kinkrant or Karidin. On this day, the female deity (devi) slayed the demon Kinkarasur.

Information of Makar Sankranti
Makar Sankranti's information is available in the Panchang: The Panchang (Hindu Almanac) provides information on the form, age, clothing, direction of movement etc. of Sankranti. This information is appropriate to the changes taking place in Her according to time.

Importance of Makar Sankranti
        Makar Sankranti is the day from which the northward movement of the sun begins. The period from KarkaSankranti(the passage of the sun into the zodiac sign of Cancer) to Makar Sankranti is called the dakshinayan. As per given in Hindu scriptures, A person who dies in the dakshinayan period has a greater chance of going to Yamalok (southward region), than one who dies during uttarayan(northward revolution). Makar Sankranti's importance from the point of view of spiritual practice: On the day of Makar Sankranti, from sunrise to sunset, the environment has more chaitanya (Divine conscious-ness); hence those doing spiritual practice can benefit from thischaitanya.

Methods of celebration of Makar Sankranti
1. Benefit of highest merit acquired by a Holy dip on the day of Makar Sankranti: The time from sunrise to sunset on Makar-Sankrantiis auspicious. A Holy dip during this period carries special significance. Those who take a Holy dip in the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Krushna and Kaveri at the Holy places situated on the banks of these rivers acquire the highest merit.

2. Makar Sankranti Offering: Importance of making an offering during an auspicious period: The period from Makar Sankranti to Rathsaptami is an auspicious period. Any donation and meritorious deeds in this period prove more fruitful.

Substances offered on Makar Sankranti: An offering of new vessels, clothing, food, sesame seeds, pot of sesame seeds, jaggery, a cow, a horse, gold or land should be made depending on the capability. On this day, married women also make some offering. They take things from unmarried girls and give them sesame seeds and jaggery in return. Married women organise a ceremony of haldi-kumkum (applying vermilion and turmeric to the forehead) and gift articles to other married women.

3. Importance of haldi-kumkum ceremony performed by married women on Makar Sankranti : Performing haldi-kumkum(Turmeric powder and vermilion) ceremony is in a way invoking the waves of dormant Adi-shakti in the Universe to get activated. This helps in creating impression of Sagun (Materialised) devotion on the mind of an individual and enhances his bhav (Spiritual emotion) unto God.

3 A. Steps in haldi-kumkum ceremony

3 A 1. Applying haldi-kumkum : Applying haldi-kumkum to a suvasini (A married woman whose husband is alive) activates the dormant Principle of Sri Durgadevi in her and bestows well-being to the applier suvasini.

3 A 2. Applying perfume : Fragrant particles emitting from the perfume please the Principle of the Deity and bestow well-being to the applier suvasini within a shorter period.

3 A 3. Sprinkling rose-water : The fragrant waves emitted by the rose-water activate the waves of the Deity and purifies the environment, and the suvasini who sprinkles it gets greater benefit of the activated Sagun Principle of the Deity.

Makar Sankranti - subtle-image-kumkumarchan
seeds is made during Sankranti festival. For  example, bathing with water containing sesame seeds and eating and distributing tilgul (a sweet  made from sesame seeds), offering sesame to Brahmans, lighting lamps of sesame oil in a  temple of Shri Shiva and performing pitrushraddh (rite for the departed ancestors) in which an  offering of sesame seeds is made.

 Importance of sesame seeds :

 Using sesame seeds eliminates sins : As per Hindu scriptures, on this day those who  apply sesame seed oil and  utane to the body, bathe in water mixed with sesame seeds, drink water mixed with sesame  seeds, perform a sacrificial fire, make an offering of sesame seeds and make similar use of  sesame seeds, are liberated of all sins.

 Importance according to Ayurved: Since Sankranti falls in winter, consuming sesame seeds  is beneficial.

 Importance according to Spirituality:
 1. Since sesame seeds have a greater ability to absorb and emit sattva frequencies, consuming  tilgul helps improve spiritual practice. Distributing tilgul to one another results in an exchange of  the sattva component.
 2. Using sesame seeds in shraddh prevents demons from bringing obstacles during the rite.

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