All members are aware that Shri M. Mohanarangam, Ex-GS of All India Association of ASRM and IRM and now Superintendent, NSH, Varanashi has already filed OA in Hon’ble CAT Madras Bench in connection with to grant (MACP) financial up-gradation to applicant in the GP of Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 on non-functional basis, on completion of 4 years of regular service in the GP of Rs. 4800/- w.e.f. 1/9/2008, with all attendant benefits.
The applicant ( Shri M. Mohanarangam) in his OA No. 1273/2013 stated that 6CPC introduced Modified Assured Career Progression Schemes (MACPs) and the commission recommended that a Gr. B officer in PB-2 with GP of Rs. 4800/- will get the GP of Rs. 5400/- after completing 4 years of regular service on non-functional basis. The recommendations of the 6CPC was accepted by the Government vide GOI, Ministry of Finance’s Resolution dated 29/8/2008.
The applicant has further stated in his OA that when a Gr. B officer completes four years of regular service in the GP of Rs. 4800/- is eligible to get GP of Rs.5400/-. While so, the applicant is holding Gr. B gazette post (ASP cadre) and completed 4 years of regular service in the GP of Rs. 4800/- and he is now eligible for financial upgradation in the GP of Rs. 5400/- w.e.f.1/9/2012. The applicant while working as ASP (Gr. B) was granted financial upgradation in the GP of Rs. 4800/- in the pay band of Rs. 9300-34800 in PB-2 w.e.f. 1/9/2008.
Present status : Case is stands posted on 5/1/2015 for filling counter reply by Department.
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